Interactive Food Rooms

Interactive Food Rooms

Interactive Food Rooms

I recently had an enquiry from a school which wanted to create a large food room out of two previously separate rooms.


They had concerns about how the teacher would communicate with a comparatively large group and wanted to avoid all the students crowding around the demonstration bench. We discussed using 4 large television screens positioned around the room, linked to visualisers and an interactive blue tooth projector. The teacher could demonstrate in real time to all 60 students from a central demo area, the students could observe from their workstations and ‘cook along’ with the teacher.

This is a modern solution to an age old problem. Historically, angled mirrors were hung above demo areas by chains but this was discontinued as they had a habit of falling off!

Our designers can offer advice on practical issues regarding the design of your food room and would be happy to discuss any concerns you may have.

If you have any comments or queries about this article please email me.

Thanks Tim